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Iron Chef at Brew Hut (v. 5) · Sat. Oct. 28th, 2023 - Sun. Oct. 29th, 2023

Warning: This is an old trip - it already happened

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Organized by: Lucy Luo.

Start: Saturday, Oct. 28th
End: Sunday, Oct. 29th
Pre-trip meeting: Wednesday, Oct. 25th, 6:00 pm
Pre-trip meeting location: Clubroom


The legacy continues! Iron Chef at Brew hut is back! 

Iron Chef 2023: Brought to you by Lucy and Settare



Welcome to Brew Hut Stadium! Backcountry Chefs, please step forward and prepare to demonstrate your culinary expertise. You will be called upon to craft, from deep within the mountains, food that no mere mortal has ever consumed among the azure skies and rocky outcrops which can be spied from atop Mount Brew.

Here is a video to understand what this adventure into which you are embarking is based on. 




For those of you unfamiliar with this show, the aspects of the premise of the show which are relevant to our trip are as follows:

Teams of three chefs will compete against each other for the Golden Spork. Each team, of which we will likely have four, will create a meal using the secret ingredient (not to be revealed until we reach the hut) and whatever cookstuffs and foodstuffs they have packed in with them. Each team's creation will then be sampled by everyone and the winning team will be determined by popular vote.

For this trip, we will need 12 people to work in four teams of three chefs and 2 spectator/videographer/water-filler/vibe assistant to help me and Settare pack up the secret ingredient. The secret ingredient will be good for both savoury and sweet dishes. Teams should plan to make a meal for four (This allows everyone to eat a fantastic potluck afterwards).

In the past we have had great trips with much good food, this may be one of the few calorie-positive trips you’ll ever be on!




Teams will be made during the pretrip meeting, so feel free to come with your team or make a new one! 

We will leave Vancouver Saturday morning and head up to Brew hut - the hike in is about 9km and 1000m gain, so we'll give ourselves plenty of time to hike. We will check in about conditions(whether we’ll be hiking or snowshoeing) closer to the day. Teams will have the afternoon to prepare their kitchen. The Iron Chef showdown will begin with 60 minutes of cooking, followed by the potluck and voting. The masses will taste and vote on four categories (tastiness, appearance, backcountry execution, and the incorporation of secret ingredient) after tasting it. Once everyone is satiated and the votes counted, we will award the Golden Spork. 


Sunday morning, all participants are invited to try and outdo each other in their breakfast displays, in a no stakes exhibition. We will then head down and back to Vancouver with our appetite - both for food and the mountains - sated.


All participants should be comfortable with safe and respectful backcountry travel, but folks new to hiking and camping are more than welcome! If you have any questions about the trip, email Lucy ([email protected]) or Settare ([email protected]). If you're hesitant about signing up because of your skills or experience, please get in touch, this is usually a great overnight introductory trip :) 



Past Year’s trip reports

2017 -

2018 -

2019 -


Posted: 2023-09-30 00:44:54
Last modified: 2023-10-14 13:45:14