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Veenstra Traverse 2013 · Sat. Aug. 24th, 2013 - Sun. Aug. 25th, 2013

Warning: This is an old trip - it already happened

Warning, this trip has been cancelled : Due to weather, again.

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Organized by: Christian Veenstra.

Start: Saturday, Aug. 24th
End: Sunday, Aug. 25th, 11:00 pm
Pre-trip meeting: Wednesday, Aug. 21st, 8:00 pm
Pre-trip meeting location: Beach at Tolmie


Veenstra Traverse 2013 addition: the Outrigger - Clarke traverse.

John Clarke ('45-'03) is a legend in the Coast Mountains. For 40 years he spent almost half the year wandering around the coast solo, bagging more first ascents (of mountains, not routes) then perhaps anyone else, ever. Think you've found a remote peak which may not have been climbed? Think again, Clarke probably climbed it in the 80s solo. He was also inducted into the Order of Canada, and was one of the few Europeans to be adopted by the First Nations (Salish).

This traverse will bring us from Outrigger Peak to Mt. John Clarke (formerly Sun Peak), deep in the Coast Range (90km on back roads from Squamish), overlooking Princess Louisa Inlet. We will travel fast-and-light through bush, over glaciers, and along alpine ridges. There is a sketch of the proposed route here. Although somewhat shorter than the average Veenstra Traverse purely in terms of distance/elevation gain, this route has been done a few times before (although not by me) and has a reputation for being harder than it appears on the map. Matt Gunn did it in 2008 and posted some fine photos here.

Like all Veenstra Traverses, you do not need to have any special skills to come on this trip - I'm hoping to gather enough experienced people that we can accomodate people who would otherwise not be able to contemplate a trip like this. However, you should be a fit hiker, reasonably intelligent, able to get up early, willing to pack light, and have a shining personality. Past trips of this nature have included, Price-via-BrohmCircumnavigate Garibaldi Lake, the Semi-Alcoholic Traverse, the Garibaldi Neve in Summer, the Powder Mountain Traverse, the Valentine Gates traverse, and (most recently) the Last Drop Traverse.

Posted: 2013-08-20 22:26:35
Last modified: 2013-08-21 19:21:44