Trip vignette: back to Lizzie

VOC-types do lots of trips, but there aren’t many trip reports because confused people think trip reports need to be intense or novel. This is why I am (probably re-) introducing the “trip vignette:” a short highlights-and-jokes trip report that skips important details but still manages to tell VOCers what other VOCers are doing.

They don’t even need to be that entertaining! This one isn’t. Anyways, here we go.

The return to the Lizzie Creek Cabin

Driving out of Pemberton we almost hit a bear. It was nighttime on Friday and dark out, and it was a black bear, so brake-slamming and comments like “hey!” — “what?” — “Was that a bear?” ensued. Then we camped, started hiking, and got stung by wasps. This is true, but also reverse foreshadowing for an earlier trip that will be described in a subsequent trip report.

Someone rediscovered the panorama feature... oof

Someone rediscovered the panorama feature… oof

Anyway, then we (Ross Campbell, Natalie Makepeace, Birgit Rogalla and I) ran into more wasps, which covered Natalie’s backpack after she dropped it on the nest. We tried to smoke them out with smoke from the nearby smouldering burn we mysteriously discovered nearby and later tried to extinguish, but that didn’t work.

Autumn at Lizzie is beautiful, red, yellow, white. It was the first snowfall of the year for us. We slipped (in ~2 inches of snow) and stepped up Anemone Peak and Arrowhead Peak, and we talked nonsense/jokes/random things all day again. Then Amy Prangnell, Mirko Moeller, and Lianne McRadu joined us at the cabin, Birgit made a pumpkin pie + other Thanksgiving essentials and Ross provided the bird (chicken) and, sadly, brussel sprouts.

A rat had stolen much of the oakum (hemp+tar) we had used to seal the cracks in the cabin the previous year, and had built a nest with it. I convinced Mirko to toss out the nest, and then left to sleep in the tent while the rat returned home, couldn’t find its nest, and ran angrily and loudly around the hut all night. Birgit explained the rat’s anger by suggesting that if someone stole someone else’s sleeping bag and then left a few crumbs in their bed to eat, they wouldn’t be happy, either.

Back to just talking about trip vignettes

Done. See, easy — only 300 words of actual vignette or something, and two random pictures.

Now write a trip vignette about whatever you did this weekend! (Or even better a real Trip Report). I probably left stuff out (including lots of funny stuff), but who cares? If the others wish I’d written more, they should have written the trip vignette first.


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