Summertime is here in full swing and it’s time to scope out projects and things to do. Like many mislead souls in the past I’ve set my sights on Pipeline and am terrified. I’ve compiled a Squamish Offwidths Checklist for anyone else who likes to make poor decisions, and am also on the lookout for a partner in crime *wink wink*.
As I was scouring the web for any info on Squamish offwidths, I came across Mikey’s Offwidth Journal (VOCJ45, 2002-2003). It’s well-written and as entertaining as a climbing story can be. Anytime someone tops out and their only words are, “Holy Fuck” you know they had a great time. So grab a coffee and take a trip back to a simpler time…
Not for a moment suggesting that Communication is a Bad Thing, but why do you post a reference to a story in an old Journal, in “recent Trip Reports”? Where’s the trip? Were you scared when you read it?