Tag Archives: Frodo
Burns & Turns 2024 (Minus some Turns)
It all started in the wee hours of the morning the Saturday of reading break… (Okay, I’ll stop trying to sound Scottish now). My car group had surprisingly very minimal faff for the morning of a VOC trip. So to … Continue reading
Potluck in Phelix (October 21-23, 2022)
Day 1: It was a great day to start out the trip. All 3 cars met up at 7:30/8pm at the McDonalds in Pemberton. There we enjoyed a mini-carb fest of burgers, fries, and ice cream. We then left all … Continue reading
Posted in Hike, Huts, Trip Reports
Tagged 2wd, backpacking, cheese board, fall/winter, Feast, First-Time, Frodo, Gandalf, Intermediate, large group, Northwest Knob, Peregrine, Phelix Hut, potluck, stars, swimming, type 2 fun, Weekend
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