Tag Archives: Slocan
New Year Fiasco in Kootenay. Part 2
Do you know that feeling when you first get up in the morning and for several seconds have no idea where you are or how you got there? I had this same feeling that morning just before I completely woke … Continue reading
Bike touring in Kootenay. May 2015.
Hello my name is Ilya! I have done a bike trip in West Kootenay in May 2015 so just wanted to share some pictures and thoughts about that journey. I went on this trip alone so this made all of … Continue reading
A Hanging Judge. July 4 Mountaineering.
After sleeping in at the trailhead of Mt Gimli, Jeff and I set off for Revelstoke around 9:00 with the goal of cragging in Begbie bluffs. On the ferry up from Slocan, I picked up a Revelstoke tourist information guide. … Continue reading
A Dwarf. July 3 Mountaineering
Jeff Taylor is dirtbagging/ climbing all summer, AKA: living the dream. About 2 weeks ago, he messaged me on Facebook to determine my availability for climbing shenanigans. I had 6 Vancouver friends over to my house in Vernon for the … Continue reading