Tag Archives: first ascent
The Fellowship of the Sling (First Ascents in the Tolkien Range)
TRIP DATES: Nov 1st-3rd, 2024 PARTICIPANTS: Ethan Somji, James Maltman, & Noah Macdonald This trip report is divided into two sections: an actual TR with details of our shenanigans, and a separate entry with beta on our new* routes. — … Continue reading
!GURI |AIB (The White Streak)
Learning to Route Develop and Big Wall Climb in Spitzkoppe, Namibia Preparatory Ramblings Preparatory Ramblings It has taken me some time to submit this report. On my return from Namibia, I was greeted by a series of emergencies … Continue reading
Pangea 2021: Disaster Fauna (5.11- A0, 600m) First Ascent
A much delayed trip report from August 2021. Article adapted from an entry originally submitted to the American Alpine Journal. ————– On August 15, 2021, Harlin Brandvold, Duncan Pawson, and I loaded our gear into the helicopter to make our … Continue reading
A Hard Lesson About a Soft Rock
This is the story of the time I fell 10m, ripped all 3 pieces of gear, and caught myself on an Arbutus tree at my belayers feet over a 20m drop. Lesson of the day: limestone is not granite; it does not hold … Continue reading
New Routes and First Ascents in the Ossa Region
Artem and I had agreed to get out for an adventure the weekend of August 13-14, 2016, and I had been eyeing the unclimbed Ossa pinnacle for some time. We agreed to give it a go. While researching the objective, … Continue reading