Tag Archives: birthday
!GURI |AIB (The White Streak)
Learning to Route Develop and Big Wall Climb in Spitzkoppe, Namibia Preparatory Ramblings Preparatory Ramblings It has taken me some time to submit this report. On my return from Namibia, I was greeted by a series of emergencies … Continue reading
Hot Springs – Party Weekend! A First VOC Encounter
I had just joined the VOC and this would be my first hike with the crew. My friend Shuvi had been begging me to join for years, and now that he was about to leave the city for a few … Continue reading
Burton Hut Feb 19th – 21st
It is difficult to write a better trip report than Roland’s so I thought I should just add some details and quote his summary of the trip. “Executive Summary: Sphinx Camp seemed small this year. Just Cassandra and me. Can’t … Continue reading
January 25-26, 2014 Intro to Backcountry Skiing – Caspar Creek
Advertised as an intro to backcountry skiing trip, this amazing adventure offered experience not only in skiing outside resorts, but winter camping, survival skiing, and bushwhacking on skis! There was so much interest two groups were formed; one ventured to … Continue reading
Easter climbing at Horne Lake
Horne Lake is a small climbing area on Vancouver Island, about 70km north-west of Nanaimo. The setting is beautiful, right above a huge lake with no big roads for miles around. More interestingly, the cliffs are made of limestone and … Continue reading
Mt. Matier February 11th/12th 2012
Mt. Matier Veronika Schmitt, Todd Mackenzie, Charlie Beard, Erica Lay, Knut Kitching Good weather and low avalanche danger made the decision to climb Mt. Matier easy. It was around 7 am when Todd, Charlie and I picked up Knut, who … Continue reading
19 Reasons to Host two Birthdays in a VOC Hut. Waddington Hut Dec 10-11
Dec 12, monday morning I’m awake much too early watching Breanne and Merick take off for another adventure. Disappointed I can’t join, I start trying to console myself with the reasoning that this past weekend was more than enough to … Continue reading