Tag Archives: Photo Essay
A Suprisingly Sunny September Saunter to the Spectacular Rampart Ponds
For ten VOCers (Matthew Drenth, Alastair Nicholson, Haven Barr, Patric Berard, Ana Clara Feldman, Anabel Buechner, Chloe Garzon, Jerome Bernard, Cabrinha Clark, and Miranda Clark) this trip began like all other adventure trips, with a large amount of chaos very … Continue reading
!GURI |AIB (The White Streak)
Learning to Route Develop and Big Wall Climb in Spitzkoppe, Namibia Preparatory Ramblings Preparatory Ramblings It has taken me some time to submit this report. On my return from Namibia, I was greeted by a series of emergencies … Continue reading
An Appetite for the Alpine
An Appetite for the Alpine: Alpine Skills Course 2016 Trail Mates: Sam McKoy, Artem Babaian, Martin Cermak, Kasia Celler, Else Bosman, Kelsey Miller, Luca Malaguti Trip Date: June 17-19/2016 What am I getting into? Everyone who steps into the wild … Continue reading
2016 VOC Photo Contest
Each year the VOC holds a contest to show-off the best photos taken by members. There are six categories: Action Shots, Club Life, Flora and Fauna, Portrait, Miscellaneous, Landscape and an Overall Best Photo winner. 1. Action Shot 2. Club Life … Continue reading
19 Reasons to Host two Birthdays in a VOC Hut. Waddington Hut Dec 10-11
Dec 12, monday morning I’m awake much too early watching Breanne and Merick take off for another adventure. Disappointed I can’t join, I start trying to console myself with the reasoning that this past weekend was more than enough to … Continue reading
Stein Valley Traverse Trip Report, August 8-14, 2011
The timing for this trip couldn’t possibly have been better. It began immediately after the most stressful month of my entire life, and at times I was scared I wouldn’t even succeed in prepping for the trip… but things pulled … Continue reading