Tag Archives: sunny
Blinch Peak: a sense of remoteness in Mission’s backyard
January 26th Stats: 17km / 1,200 elevation gain C2C 10 hours (moderate pace with very few breaks) Participants: Harrison C (organizer/leader), Paul R (myself) Gear (all needed): Snowshoes, Crampons, Ice axe, Avy kit, bike (cuts ~5km) Blinch Peak is … Continue reading
Sky Pilot Ski Touring
Participants: Aino Keinaenen, Lucas Braun, Allen Zhao, Zac Wirth, Eleanor Hsiun, Sri Chaitanya, Emi Ikemura, Quintus Zhou, Rafa Akira Eleanor’s bit: This was a harrowing experience for me. I need to learn to ski or something. The views were good … Continue reading
A Suprisingly Sunny September Saunter to the Spectacular Rampart Ponds
For ten VOCers (Matthew Drenth, Alastair Nicholson, Haven Barr, Patric Berard, Ana Clara Feldman, Anabel Buechner, Chloe Garzon, Jerome Bernard, Cabrinha Clark, and Miranda Clark) this trip began like all other adventure trips, with a large amount of chaos very … Continue reading
!GURI |AIB (The White Streak)
Learning to Route Develop and Big Wall Climb in Spitzkoppe, Namibia Preparatory Ramblings Preparatory Ramblings It has taken me some time to submit this report. On my return from Namibia, I was greeted by a series of emergencies … Continue reading
Gin and Guinness
Participants: Lucas Braun, Aino Keinaenen, Allen Zhao, Elias Bowman, Alain Zhiyanov, Marion Vandewynckele-Bossut, Helene Mund, Justyna Piotrowska, Tristan Russel, Nora Lindberg It was a beautiful morning on Saturday when we set off down the Sea to Sky to Gin Peak. … Continue reading
First Weekend Brew Hut Workhike!
Participants: Ana Ciocoiu, Akash Madhav Gondaliya, Anja Westermann, Annabelle Damude, Cameron Donnelly, Cassandra Elphinstone, Charlotte Mittelstaedt, Chen Qin, Elaine Zhou, Eric Daigle, Haley Foladare, Isabella Negrini, Jacob Grossbard, Laura Mantin, Lucas Braun, Richard Pan, Shruti Yogesh Vansia, Tom Curran, Zachary … Continue reading
Heather Trail – Manning Park
Background info: Heather Trail is located in Manning Park. Starting from the Blackwall Peak parking area we walked along the Heather Trail to get to Nicomen Lake Campsite. This was a 2-day, 1-night trip. The total hike was roughly 46km with … Continue reading
Beginner Hike – The Chief
A week after joining the VOC club, I decided to create a beginner hiking trip to see how things would go. I first created a group chat through Facebook messenger to organize some logistics of the trip such as timing, … Continue reading
Neve crew goes up to Brew (Step 3/5 to the Neve Traverse)
Saturday Feb 12 2022 The third step to prepare for the Neve (neh-vay and not neev as I found out) was a 2-day trip to the Brew Hut. The Brew Hut always seemed to be quite scary to me, with … Continue reading
Tricouni Peak: July 18-19
It’s been over a month since we backpacked out to the Tricouni area, but I’ve decided to write it up anyway. Interestingly, when converted to Covid time, a normal month is roughly equivalent to either 5 months or 5 days, … Continue reading