Tag Archives: pemberton
Stats: 13km 1,300m elevation gain C2C 9.5h (incl. lots of breaks) Participants: Isaac Borrego (organizer), Connor Jakes, Kathleen Griffin, Raymond MacNeil, Tristan Russel, Michelle Podrebersek, Sebastian Gitt, Paul Ramu. July 6th / July 7th Birkenhead is one of the few ultra-prominent … Continue reading
Currie for Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner
Marko: Meep Meep Meep. My alarm startles me awake. “It’s too early to be awake”, I think to myself, taking solace knowing that I have it easy. At least I am not Mona Yu, driving all the way from Surrey … Continue reading
A weekend of silliness at Mt Marriot
While everybody else was at Rock Party, Emily, Joe, and I went on an overnight trip to scramble Mt Marriott. Nobody on this trip was really into taking photos, so as the single Arts student on the trip (and perhaps … Continue reading
Sea to Sky Trail Report
The Sea to Sky Highway has been the main connection between those of us living in the Vancouver Lower Mainland to access many destinations in the great outdoor that British Columbia offers. Every time I sit in a car going … Continue reading
Harrison Hut Workhike!
Twas a week among midterms and all across Vancouver, VOC members heard the beckoning call of a backcountry siren otherwise known as Anya Boardman whispering tantalizing phrases such as “hut trip” and “trail work,” among other concepts powerful enough to … Continue reading
A quality VOC introduction!
Last weekend I joined my first ever VOC trip; a backcountry adventure up to Semaphore Lakes organised by Graham Brown. I knew we were off to a good start when I was immediately offered tea (I’m British!) and a big, … Continue reading
Harrison Hut July 2016
Josi was in VOC about four years ago, went on trips, and made some amazing VOC videos., which you can find here: http://tinyurl.com/canada111 Recently she has been in Germany, making videos and messing with drones. This fall she’s going to … Continue reading
Mt Currie Trail
A couple of years ago the village of Pemberton, hoping to attract tourists, built a trail up Mt Currie. The TH is semi-reachable by car if you can do water bars and cross small streams. None of us had ever … Continue reading
Hot Springs Adventure, December 11 – 12
Executive Summary: We were four beautiful people, plus an old hairy guy with a Jeep. I drove for 11 hours on Friday, and 5 hours on Saturday. We didn’t get to Keyhole due to excessive snow and other excuses but … Continue reading
PHXTR August 23-25
The Plan: This trip was originally going to the Harrison Hut and staying for a week, but the forest fires closed the road west of Pemberton and pretty soon we realised that the Harrison trip wasn’t going to happen. So … Continue reading