Tag Archives: helicopter
The Big Burton Hut Restoration
In mid-June, I got a report that the roof of Burton hut was leaking. Some people had noticed some water stains inside the hut. No big deal I thought as I asked if anyone was planning to head up there … Continue reading
Mt Currie Trail
A couple of years ago the village of Pemberton, hoping to attract tourists, built a trail up Mt Currie. The TH is semi-reachable by car if you can do water bars and cross small streams. None of us had ever … Continue reading
Another Harrison Hut Fiasco: Flood
Participants: Pemberton SAR, the RCMP, Blackcombe Aviation, Mother Nature, a marmot, the Luggable Loo, Roland Burton, Jeff Mottershead, Christian Veenstra, Lea Zhecheva, Lianne McRadu, Joachim Klungseth, Henri Brunel, Ola Esten Roessum, Ben Farrow, Jacob Emil Toennesen, Ben Singleton-Polster, Meredith who’s … Continue reading
Khyber Pass (BC) via Mountain Bike – Summer “Slack” Country
The Khyber Pass connects Afghanistan, Pakistan and India and, being part of the silk road, is one of the oldest known passes in the world. This trip didn’t take place in that pass. The Khyber Pass (in Whistler) is an … Continue reading
Harrison Hut Renos: a week of hard work in a beautiful place
There was a bit of confusion as to whether I was going in the first place, but after many of my other summer plans had fallen through, I was pretty determined to get up to the Harrison Hut for a … Continue reading
How Mount Rainier Defeated Us
What the hell am I doing here? This feeling of uncertainty, disbelief, of surreal adventure leading up to this moment and of the impending challenge leading away from it, has become an addiction since I joined the VOC. So when … Continue reading
Helicopters, Fire, and Neon Orange Cheese-Rolling Brew Hutting
(The three explorers Roland, Nishant and I set off to obtain helicopter nets and then set off to Brew Hut. Our goal on this trip was to helicopter 3 metric tons of firewood up to Brew Hut. We were on … Continue reading
Two day trips on a sunny weekend
Looking for a trip Saturday, we weren’t so much worried about contributing to Global Warming, we just don’t like doing a lot of driving. So we decided to check out Wreck Beach, but not the usual “go to gate 6 … Continue reading
Emergency skills practice: Victim’s point of view
On the weekend of 11-12 of January, a snowstorm convinced some VOCers that going on fancy backcountry skiing trips wasn’t a good idea. But staying home? Really, that’s a possibility? Instead of losing our time by sleeping, studying, cleaning or … Continue reading