Tag Archives: early season
A Feature-length Pinecone Burke Traverse
Trip Dates: June 30th – July 4th, 2022 Ever since stumbling across Richard, Birgit, Vincent, and Cassandra’s 2017 trip report, the idea of doing an extended version of their “Pinecone Burke Traverse” had been kicking around my head. During a … Continue reading
Accidental Brew Debacle (A Workhike?)
With beautiful weather in the forecast, and fond memories of the last weekend clearing alder in the rain (see https://www.ubc-voc.com/2021/10/20/ark-a-new-brew-trail-during-the-flood), Ross Campbell did his best to motivate people into another work hike with the promised allure of skiing and a … Continue reading
Werewolves of the Brew Hut
After some mild procrastination, I’ve finally gotten around to writing the long-overdue trip report of the Werewolves of the Brew Hut hike that took place from October 19-20. Hopefully everyone can forgive me for my postponement of this report (I … Continue reading
A Sunny Fall Trip to Golden Ears Peak (late) Nov 11, 2018
Perhaps it was the unseasonably sunny weekend forecast, or perhaps it was the excitement to see and feel snow as winter approached. For some reason, we were craving a snowy summit this weekend. We set our eyes on a two-day … Continue reading
Companion Rescue Drills
Saturday December 2nd, 8 VOC members went towards Garibaldi Provincial Park for some avalanche rescue practice, skiing and touring. The morning weather in Vancouver was rainy, which indicated potential snowy weather in the mountains. The group gathered at McDonalds in … Continue reading
Seeking Snow at Taylor Meadows Nov 20-22
Following a sensible amount of automotive and logistical trouble 7 VOCers successfully made it to the rubble creek parking lot early Saturday morning. Filled with aspirations to make some turns 1000 meters above, they braved the dangerously boring switchbacks up … Continue reading
Chronicles of Taylor Meadows Nov 12-13
It was 5:30am and the sun showed no signs of rising. A brave group of adventurers were waking up and preparing to embark on a journey that would take them to them to Taylor Meadows in search of the fabled … Continue reading
Halloween October Turns at the Tusk
Trip Report By: Kimble Mooney The awkward silence of waiting for volunteers to write the trip report echoes in faint memory, as I now attempt to recall and summarize a rather epic early season adventure. I guess it really all starts with that ominous feeling that … Continue reading
Cinder Cone and Black Tusk via Helm Creek
Word on the street had it there was already decent snow in them thar hills near Black Tusk this early in the season. Together with my partners in crime, the intrepid Katherine and Breanne, we concocted a plot to take … Continue reading