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Tag Archives: Bootpack
Winter Ascent: Stewart Pk NE Couloir and Baby Munday S Ridge
Trip dates: 18 -19 January, 2025 Trip participants: Evan Beatty, Nick Hindley Winter ascent of two routes in the Cheam Range; the NE Couloir of Stewart Pk and the South Ridge of Baby Munday. Good access via logging roads then … Continue reading
A Feature-length Pinecone Burke Traverse
Trip Dates: June 30th – July 4th, 2022 Ever since stumbling across Richard, Birgit, Vincent, and Cassandra’s 2017 trip report, the idea of doing an extended version of their “Pinecone Burke Traverse” had been kicking around my head. During a … Continue reading
Posted in Climb, Hike, Trip Reports
Tagged adventure, backcountry, backpacking, Beautiful BC, bivy, Bootpack, Bushwhack, Climb, Coquitlam, early season, Epic, Fast and Light, Five Fingers, flagging, hike, hiking, hitchhiking, Mamquam, Meslilloet, mountaineering, multiday, overnight, Pinecone Burke park, Pinecone Burke Provincial Park, Pinecone Lake, ridge, scramble, scrambling, Slog, Snow, snow booting, Snowy, solo trip, summer, Transit Accessable, traverse, Watersprite Lake, Widgeon Creek
Brandywine Trip Report – June 2022
Anniversary Hike – Brandywine – June 2022 While the original plan for the trip was to visit Mt. Price, a string of weird weather this year dictated that snow conditions would likely not be safe there. Instead the call was … Continue reading
Posted in Hike, Trip Reports
Tagged 4wd, awesome people, backpacking, Beautiful BC, beginner-friendly, Bootpack, bootpacking, Brandywine, british columbia, First-Time, First-Trip, frost bite, hike, hiking, Mt. Brandywine, ridge, Semi-Alcoholic Traverse, Snow, snow shoe, sunrise, Weekend, Winter, winter camping
Easter Weekend at Sphinx
April 15-17, 2022 Trip members: Shu Yu Fan, Beth Roskilly, Kyra Przybylski, Joseph Meyer, Martin Kuerbis, Emily Wood With one exam done and 4 more in the next 8 days, I decided that the best way for me to spend … Continue reading
Posted in Huts, Ski, Trip Reports
Tagged Bookworms, Bootpack, bootpacking, british columbia, Burton Hut, Easter Weekend, Garibaldi Lake, huts, Mid Group, overnight, ski, skitouring, Sphinx Hut, Winter
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Accidental Brew Debacle (A Workhike?)
With beautiful weather in the forecast, and fond memories of the last weekend clearing alder in the rain (see, Ross Campbell did his best to motivate people into another work hike with the promised allure of skiing and a … Continue reading
Posted in Hike, Huts, Trip Reports, Workhike
Tagged backcountry, backpacking, Bootpack, Brandywine, Brew Hut, british columbia, early season, huts, overnight, Slog, snowshoe, snowshoeing, Snowy, Suffering, Trail work, Workhike
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Rockies Ice Climbing: Part 2 – The Walking
Ian had combed through the old ice guidebook and found an adventure behind Yamnuska to Association Peak. One of these routes was a 200m WI3 and the other a 100m WI2, without much more info. Tom, Ian, and I made … Continue reading
Super duper sunny fun times at the Neve!
So, sometime between last week and the dawn of time, there was an idea to ski the Neve on the weekend of the 22nd. I myself wasn’t aware of this fact until the Wednesday before the trip, as I was … Continue reading
Posted in Ski, Trip Reports
Tagged Atwell, Black Tusk, Bootpack, Elfin Lakes, fall, Garibaldi Lake, Garibaldi Park, Glacier, huts, leading, MEC, rain, Red Heather, ski, Slog, Snow, snowshoe, Squamish, sunny, Taylor Meadows, traverse, Trek, Weekend
Banana Chute
Months ago, I mentioned to Ryan McKenzie that I really wanted to ski Banana Chute. I had been gawking at the line for several years, and was really excited after he suggested doing it this weekend. We thought the NW … Continue reading
Posted in Ski, Trip Reports
Tagged Banana Chute, Black Tusk, Bootpack, Fissile, musical, ridge, Singing Pass, ski, Snow, Trek, Weekend, Whistler
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Nick stands on some rocks that someone named after our club
Due east of Whistler, just beyond the Spearhead Range, lies a mountain that was named after our club. “VeeOcee Mountain” was named in 1964 and first climbed in 1966 by a party that included one R. Burton. It has been … Continue reading
Posted in Ski, Trip Reports
Tagged Atwell, Baker, Banana Chute, Bootpack, Climb, climbing, Fissile, Glacier, Judge Howay, Marcin, McBride, Naden glacier, powder, ridge, Sir Richard, ski, skiing, Snow, Spring, Squamish, Tantalus, Tantalus Provincial Park, traverse, Weekend, Whistler
Chociwa Glacier – Easter Long Weekend 2012
Artem and I (Piotr Forysinski) had decided to do something cool together over the Easter long weekend. Our initial plan was to attempt the Cheam Range traverse, but the more I found out about it the more moist my underwear … Continue reading