Tag Archives: Trek
Day trip to Black Tusk! 27/10/2018
Trip participants: Nina Grahl, Brendan O\’Callahan, Lara Sirovica, Daniel Tan, Declan Taylor, Francesco Cambi, Jeremie Bonneau, Leon Chen, Heather McFadyen On the 27th of October, we headed out to Garibaldi Park to make the most of what was supposedly the last … Continue reading
Ascending Island Peak (6,189m) in Nepal
Nepal is amazing! You can hear the constant movements of glaciers, grinding against each other and against rock, witness avalanches or just sit down and be glad not to be on ‘that other slope’, where a lethal landslide just went … Continue reading
Burns ‘n’ Turns Part II: Burned and Turned Around by Sarah Taylor
Meanwhile still on the trail to Brew… Darkness falls in the forest. Amanda and I make slow but steady progress along the tracks left behind from the other group members. We realize how efficient we are moving along the trail … Continue reading
Burns ‘n’ Turns 2016 Part I: Total Eclipse of Brew Hut By Bill Shmygol
Friday, 7:30 pm. I was solemnly resigned to the fact that I would not be able to find a ride to the Mt Brew Trail head and when my phone went off and Amanda cheerfully told me that she had … Continue reading
How Mount Rainier Defeated Us
What the hell am I doing here? This feeling of uncertainty, disbelief, of surreal adventure leading up to this moment and of the impending challenge leading away from it, has become an addiction since I joined the VOC. So when … Continue reading
Alpine climbing in the Manatee Group (Aug 1st – 9th)
Somewhere above the Lillooet valley a great tower of rock rises out of the glacier below, imposing itself upon the surrounding landscape. The group to which it belongs, the Manatees, is a remote place. It sees just a few visits … Continue reading
Harrison Hut Trail Workhike (June 28-29)
This is more of a report from the technical perspective of what we did and what we discovered. The original plan: Two cars heading up to do some trail building/improvement for the Harrison Hut trail. Car1 (of 5) arrive on Friday … Continue reading
January 25-26, 2014 Intro to Backcountry Skiing – Caspar Creek
Advertised as an intro to backcountry skiing trip, this amazing adventure offered experience not only in skiing outside resorts, but winter camping, survival skiing, and bushwhacking on skis! There was so much interest two groups were formed; one ventured to … Continue reading
Zoa Peak: An intro to Voile Strap Bindings
The night before was full of excitement, not knowing what to expect from my first real backcountry ski trip. Overwhelmed with excitement, I almost couldn’t sleep that night. What would teleskiing be like? Would I tumble down the mountain upon … Continue reading
Challenges and Triumphs Found at Harrison Hut Workhike (May 18-20)
Culibrk, L. Renard, J. Frame, G. Maleki, A. Richardson, J. Campbell, R. Steklova, K. Chenyakiri, Y. Price, M. Van Der Starr, T. Dalstein, B. Veenstra, C Abstract The Harrison Hut has been an extremely useful asset in outdoor activities for … Continue reading