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Tag Archives: snow caves
Winter Longhike 2020
As a first-year, new member of the VOC, and novice to winter hiking I wasn’t really sure what to expect when I first signed up for this trip. However, after hiking, sledding, eating, and partying with my fellow VOCers turned … Continue reading
Posted in Hike, Trip Reports
Tagged 2wd, beginner-friendly, First-Time, large group, Longhike, Mount Seymour, snow caves, snowshoeing, sunny, Weekend, Winter, winter camping
Snow Caves on Seymour January 23
Tr Caves Here’s a brief summary of what I saw on our snow caves trip. The rest of the cavers aren’t down yet, but I hope they will post their experiences. Some of it might be useful for people organizing … Continue reading
Posted in Other, Trip Reports
Tagged 2wd, hike, large group, seymor parking, Seymour, ski touring, snow booting, snow caves, snowshoeing, Weekend, Winter
Attacked from behind at Red Heather and the mashed-potato snow–Dec 19-20, 2015
Probably if I’d had some challenge and excitement at any time during my first fifteen years of life I probably wouldn’t have got into nearly as much trouble in school and been a lot happier. I’d always vowed that things … Continue reading