Tag Archives: Cypress
Howe Sound Crest Trail Redemption
After previously huffing and puffing along the Howe Sound Crest trail last summer in the rain/clouds, I (Amy) have been determined to give the HSCT another go. So Mykal B.W. and I set out on a sunny August weekend to … Continue reading
Glacier school 2020 John Wragg’s Perspective
Out the door and into my vehicle the rain began to patter from above, the forecast for rain was proving to be fulfilled. It was only in line with traditional Voc Glacier instructional trips. passengers in tow we headed to … Continue reading
Cypress Glacier G1 School Oct. 3/4 2020
Sunny and warm on Saturday, foggy/cloudy and wet on Sunday. Not bad for coastal BC weather in October! One of the cars (a Jetta) did not have enough clearance to make it all the way to the trail head, so … Continue reading
North Shore Triple Crown
Nick: “My butt hurts”. Me: “There’s a reason for that – it’s because you’ve been able to sit down”. We joked as we strapped our skis back onto our bikes for the last time, just before sunset outside the “Crazy … Continue reading
Hawaiian Hollyburn Snowshoe
On Saturday February 25th 15 keen VOCers headed to Hollyburn for some beginner friendly snowshoeing. Even though the spring and summer isn’t in sight and it’s mid winter we were all ready for the beach and everybody brought warm Hawaiian vibes with them. … Continue reading
Semi-Alcoholic on a Whim
Sometimes I’m bad at making plans. This weekend was one of those times, and I was a bit ticked at myself when Friday rolled around. The forecast was great, and I wanted to be in the mountains. I started pouring … Continue reading
Howe Sound Crest Trail: Team Slog
Mike Cancilla suggested a trip to the Howe Sound Crest (HSC) trail, considered by many to be the most pristine trail running and overnight hiking near metro Vancouver. Many people signed up — probably too many for one crew — … Continue reading
Howe Sound Crest Trail: Team Carrywater
Originally published on The Ubyssey: PLACES TO BE: HOWE SOUND CREST TRAIL ► By Justin Lam Photos Koby Michaels/The Ubyssey Oh boy, some beginner trip this turned out to be. As a new member of the VOC, it quickly became apparent to … Continue reading
Cypress Resort, 2014 Nov 16
Rejection: So the first task was to get some passengers. We didn’t actually need passengers, but as Carla and I were going anyway, it seemed a good idea to get passengers. We thought we were doing pretty well with Cassandra … Continue reading
Glacier School G1
-Photos by Nathan Starzynski Lesson 1: The Alpine Start On the morning of September 5th, 55 or so VOCers keen to learn about glacier travel could be found winding their way up towards Cypress Peak for Glacier School, G1. Alpine … Continue reading