Tag Archives: spencer
Bicycling on Galiano and Salt Spring Islands
Note: the recommended access to Dionisio Park is via foreshore or by water, the land owners request that people respect the road closure. Co-authored by Caroline and Spencer Ski touring is fun, but traverses, especially those involving days of whiteout glacier travel can … Continue reading
Wedgemount Lake July 20-21, 2013
We began our trip up to Wedgemount Lake on the later side Saturday morning. Around 8:00 I was picked up, ready to be off on my first outing with the VOC. The Moto car, driven by Spencer and filled with … Continue reading
Harrison Hut Route Building + Culvert Clearing 101
The morning of Saturday August 3 found 11 VOC’ers in 3 vehicles driving Highway 99 north to Pemberton, and then northwest along logging roads on the south side of the Lillooet River. The upper reaches of the mountains were hidden … Continue reading
Tropical Snowshoe/Ski Trip to Elfin Lakes Resort
Day 1 After partying relatively moderately the night before at the final hurrah of the Waldorf hotel I was a little saddened by my alarm going off at 6 to cue the beginnings of the Elfin Lakes Snowshoe Trip. Also, … Continue reading
Phelix New Years 2013
Day 1: With Derry and Greg, Carolyn and I started off on our first backcountry ski trip, dark and early at 0530 on December 28, 2012. The Jeep was pretending to be a coffee house, complete with tunes, breakfast wraps … Continue reading
Sphinx hut: How I won the game of GNAR
“The game of GNAR involves skiing + extraneous activities, much like normal VOC hut trips”. Disclaimer: I do not recommend watching the G.N.A.R. video in a public library, in class, or at work due to the abundance of “Man Ass”. If … Continue reading