Tag Archives: Whiteout
Bicycling on Galiano and Salt Spring Islands
Note: the recommended access to Dionisio Park is via foreshore or by water, the land owners request that people respect the road closure. Co-authored by Caroline and Spencer Ski touring is fun, but traverses, especially those involving days of whiteout glacier travel can … Continue reading
Brewski Brew Ski
Rain and a lot of snow… pretty much the same weather than the last attempted trip to Brew Hut two weeks ago. Because we were only 5 instead of 20, we came to the conclusion that we would be faster, … Continue reading
The Weekend Adventure Tournament Extravaganza
It was a strange weekend. Vancouver We hatched the plan the previous Sunday. I was watching football with ex-VOCer Alex Thompson, bored and rained out for the weekend. Sustained rain had ended the Squamish climbing season, and with reliable skiing … Continue reading
Pirateering Camp 2012
I arrived at the club room on the August 29th to meet with other people interested in heading up to Mountaineering Camp. After some discussion with those in the room, it seemed like the Chehalis Range didn’t suit our skill … Continue reading
Joffre NW ridge
Some time ago Sam McKoy emailed me basically saying “let’s do something hard involving skis”. A little hunting around at photos suggested that we might be able to keep the grade on Joffre NW ridge down by bypassing difficulties out … Continue reading
Bridge Lillooet Divide April 17-24 2012
This TR is a bit long. I suggest reading in segments or taking the full time to read it all. Skimming pictures is less acceptable. On their way up from Vancouver, Marius Muja, Nora Lyngra, and Michal Rozworski sat in … Continue reading
Spearhead in the White March 26-27
It’s amazing how different a traverse like the Spearhead when you do it in whiteout conditions compared to fair weather. As anyone who did it the weekend previous can tell you, this trip report will probably sound quite different from … Continue reading
New Years at Phelix
Philip, Olek, Annie, and I headed up on the 30th. We left Vancouver a full two hours after everyone else, but none the less, reunited at the trailhead with the big crowd. Breanne was supposed to be coming from across … Continue reading
dedededede de do…Brew new years
Ignacio, Pascale, Evgeny and Murray, Skinned up to Brew hut, but not in a hurry, In blurry fog with a slurry of flurries, We arrived by 3:00 and made salmon curry, … Continue reading